Saturday, April 12, 2014

Generation Y and Technology

Gen Y also known as Millennial or Generation Next, in my opinion are very privileged.

Why do I say so? Well I am a Gen Y and I must say that I  will be able to see the evolution of technology and progress with it. This is a privilege.

Does anyone else remember the floppy? Well I have seen only the second generation floppy, but what follows after I am very sure that I will be able to see more. Better and higher capacity storage devices such as disc, USB, chips, cloud and more to come.


Baby boomers and Gen X might not be around long enough to see how much technology will progress with its potential, while Gen Z will never experience life without sophisticated technology the way our grandparents did. Gen Y will be the only generation to witness it all.

With technology growth, we are forced to grow along with it. Especially being in the work force at present time, by choosing to be ignorant about it we will loose out a lot.

Being Gen Y and knowing how things were before smartphones and tablets, gives us an upper hand of not being too dependent of technology. We appreciate the good old times when we were just playing in the dirt or just good old fashion boardgames. Gen Z are now seen with smartphones and tablets while still having to suck on their pacifier.

The world has changed. People have now become too dependent on technology. Once its taken away, we become useless. However this is only the beginning of technology. There will come a day when technology becomes somewhat like the sun. Hopefully Gen Y will be still around to witness that. That will be a true privilege and that I can say that I have stuck around to see technology developed from start to its endless possibilities.

Feel free to state your opinion in the comment box. I would like to learn more from you as what I have stated above is just my own opinion and I may not be the expert of this subject matter.

Thanks for reading, your opinion will be much appreciated.

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